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JBT is a Registered Charity!

This is the biggest news that we've shared since starting the JBT... we are officially a registered charity! A letter from Sam D'Auvin, Chair of Trustees, is below.

On the 23rd May 2023 at 12:24, the JBT inbox received a long awaited email from the Charity Commission - ‘We are satisfied that the Jacob Billington Trust is a charity and it has been entered onto the Register of Charities’ (

Our trustees worked hard to formulate a complete and comprehensive application that was submitted on the 18th January 2023. Over the intervening months, the commission assisted us in making the appropriate amendments to our application, encouraging us to develop robust policies and procedures for the work that we do and narrowing down our main focus into something that encapsulates the goals we set ourselves and satisfies the legal requirements of charity status. The ‘object’ for the JBT is as follows:

To advance education for the public benefit, by supporting young people in the borough of Sefton, Liverpool in the subjects of music, English and the creative arts - primarily, but not exclusively, through financial support.

On a personal note, as Chair I have two main thank you’s. Firstly of course, to the team of Trustees; Danny, Oliver, John, Adam & Abbie. They have worked so hard to satisfy the requirements of the charity commission. It is a painstaking process where every word, policy and document is scoured over and checked by professionals who are vastly experienced in this level of documentation. To find the time in between work, hobbies, family life and everything else life throws at them, I commend them for their attitude and determination in getting this application over the line.

Secondly, to the Charity Commission themselves. Achieving registered charity status has been a key ambition of the trustees since the day we first enquired about registration in April 2022. When interacting with other organisations in my day job, I know there is a real authenticity that comes with seeing the words; ‘Registered Charity Number’ with 7 little digits alongside. The process was beyond thorough. Every possible question was asked and, in turn, answered with multiple documents needing to be signed & witnessed. Their suggested amendments were always detailed and explained clearly and their support- invaluable.

Achieving registered charity status is a fantastic landmark in the story of the Jacob Billington Trust. As trustees, we are more than aware of the heavy responsibility we bear in using our friend & brother’s name. However, thanks to the commendable work of the Charity Commission, I feel secure and wholly confident that we are verifiably acting not only in the best interests of Sefton’s young people, but also as a true legacy of Jacob Billington.

Sam D'Auvin

Chair of Trustees

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