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Letter from Chair of Trustees

What a 2022 it has been for the Jacob Billington Trust!

Whilst our initial launch event in Trap & Hatch was in October; planning for the JBT began way back in April as we tried to find charitable causes that were most appropriate for Jacob’s legacy.

As word of the charity is spreading, we are receiving more and more referrals through our online portal Refer a Student | JacobBillingtonTrust. Our partners; Harmonics Music, Scrapyard Studios, and In Another Place have all been superb in giving us support and guidance as we set up the charity. It is a pleasure to shine a spotlight on some of their fantastic work and we are extremely excited for 2 of our referrals to start lessons with them in January. In 2023, we aim to grow our relationship with these partners and remain on the lookout for other education providers who can offer the JBT’s students high quality musical education.

At our initial launch event, we made many connections with people from Sefton’s community who have helped us both financially and through practical support. It is evident that, in these days of social media and online communication, word of mouth is still a vital part of growing any organisation. Since we launched, we have established dialogue with Sacred Heart College, the school that all of our trustees, and Jacob, attended. It is important to us that we support their current crop of students in achieving their musical ambitions, as ‘Sacey’ and its music department in particular was such an important part of our development, not only as musicians but as people.

The aim for 2023 is to establish the Jacob BIllington Trust as a fully registered charity. This crucially involves making a turnover of £5,000. Back in April, this figure seemed completely out of reach. However, thanks to the generosity of both established organisations and devoted individuals, we are a stone's throw from reaching this milestone.

As chair, I would like to offer a huge debt of gratitude to the trustees of the JBT for their dedication in making sure our events run smoothly, setting up new partnerships and maintaining the vital administration of the charity to ensure that everyone’s money is well looked after and going to the right place. Without their hard work, this simply would not happen.

Finally, I can speak for us all when I say that we are so thankful to everyone who has made a donation of either their money or their time to the cause of the JBT. Without this support, we would not be able to help as many young people as we do in Sefton, nor would we be able to dream ambitious goals that will hopefully be realised in the forthcoming year!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!

Sam D’Auvin

Chair Of Trustees

Jacob Billington Trust


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