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JBT Pre-Launch Event

It's finally here - our pre-launch event at the Trap & Hatch!

If you're in attendance today, we want to pass on our deepest thanks for taking the time to be here and support this amazing cause. As a startup charity, we are relying on the kindness of you, the community, to donate whatever you possibly can to help us acheive our goals.

Please mingle, participate in the various events we have running throughout the course of the afternoon, ask as many questions as you'd like and, most importantly, do what you can to help us get this great charity off the ground. Oh, and have a few drinks, too!

If you'd like to find more information on the charity after today, there is lots of information elsewhere on this site. Abbie, our Head of Social Media, has made all of our accounts live today so you can also reach us on most social platforms. If you have any questions at all that you don't get answered today or on the website, please use our 'Contact' page to reach us and we'll get back to you ASAP.


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