Please see below a statement regarding the recently published inquest findings.

As you may be aware, the results of an inquest into the events that led to Jacob’s passing have recently been published. We are aware that this inquest publication has gathered media attention. Some of our trustees have been interviewed for various news outlets that will be shown on the news during this media attention. Our sole purpose for these interviews is to highlight the good to come from such awful circumstances, namely the formation of the Jacob Billington Trust; remembering Jacob for the talented, wonderful friend and brother he was.
As a charity set up to honour Jacob’s name by providing young people in Sefton with opportunities to access the creative arts, we are not defined by the events that took place and have therefore taken the decision not to comment on the results of the inquest.
This is an emotional and difficult time for us as trustees. We have lived with what happened in September 2020 every day since the event. However, seeing it in the news again and having it brought to the forefront of public attention again brings a strange mix of emotions.
We are by no means the only people affected by the news of the inquest findings. The thoughts of all our trustees go out to Jacob’s friends and family and the friends and family of the other victims, as well as anyone else who has been affected.
We will continue to be a beacon of light and positivity in Jacob’s name, built from the ruins of some of the worst possible circumstances.
Thank you all for your continued support.